Find your prospect’s email address simply with their name,website or even company name. Trust me, after reading this you can talk to your
prospect directly by avoiding the gatekeepers!
In this article I will talk about how to literally find any business person or even a professional’s email address. There are couple of free and paid tools I have listed out so do give them a try.
Getting your prospects email is a much better way to get noticed whether you are looking to pitch something or even get your message directly to them as in most cases the contact forms on websites and talking to the gatekeepers aka the receptionists are not responsive and helpful. You are also not sure if your message will get passed to the right person. So, in this guide I will show you exactly how you can find any person’s email address.
PS- If you would like to know how to craft cold emails do check out my article on how to write a cold email.
I have personally tried out each of the tools below, so they are in the order of my preference.
Most of the tools below come with chrome and Firefox extensions so you do not have to login to the tool all the time and search for your prospect. Simply go over to the prospect’s website or even social media profile like LinkedIn and voila!
1) Clearbit Connect
Clearbit contains 100 free searches per month.

Clearbit Connect makes it easy to get in touch
with anyone—right from your inbox.
2) Find that email
15 free searches per month. Paid starts at Paid starts from $29/Month for 500 searches.

3) Hunter
100 free searches per month. Paid plans start from $49/Month for 1,000 searches.

4) Snov
100 free searches per month, Paid plans start at 29$ a month.

5) Voila Norbert
50 free searches as a trial user. Paid starts at $49 for 1,000 searches.

6) Email Matcher
With email matcher you get unlimited free searches. The catch is that if you are looking for plenty of emails at once its time consuming.

7) The Best Guess Method
Sometime the tools above can fail if they do not have updated records or if you are looking to prospect a fresh or not so famous brand, so the next way is to make a best guess. Wait, so you want me to guess combinations now? Well yes and no. There is a great tool out there by Metric Sparrow that does email permutations for you.
Metric Sparrow generates a list of likely names with email permutation.
This generates a list of likely names with the email permutation and comes equipped with a chrome extension to use on LinkedIn.
You might still be wondering; how do I know if they are legit? Well, simple click “Compose” in Gmail and paste all the email permutations into the “To” field. Then move the cursors over the email address one by one and observe. Gmail will show you if the email address is associated with a google+ account, while the LinkedIn sales navigation extension will reveal if the email address belongs to a LinkedIn profile (for this you must have a LinkedIn sales navigator account)

8) The Bing email hack
The @ symbol in Bing tells you the email address where as in google it tells you the social media handles. This trick shall only work on Bing.
What do I search on Bing to get the email address?
Lets say I am searching for emails associated with
So what I would search on Bing is “”. That’s it!
Note: This does not guarantee emails all the time, it works in most cases.
9) Still no luck?
The last option you have then is to simply use the general contact from the website and shoot them an email asking something like this:
“Hey there! Can you connect me with {{Prospect Name}}? Thanks!”
In most cases they will reply back with the contact info of your prospect.
Also, if you would like me to do an in-depth review and comparison of each of these tools send me an email or simply drop a comment below.
What next?
Depends on what your purpose was, weather to send an email for a hiring position, submit a complaint, pitch a service or product you are selling or even to simply say hi. If you are wondering how to proceed with the next step do check out my guide on how to write a personalized email.